Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I started this post last week but the craziness off life and TEC and family overwhelmed me for a few days. I still, however, wanted to post it:)


That is how I feel. It hasn't completely sunk in that the Daisy House is no longer ours - I think because I don't want it to. So I am deciding - as of this moment - not to make it a big deal. This is advise I got over a year ago from a wise and caring friend at a moment that was a teansy bit ackward. "Don't let it be a big deal." So this is what I will try with my house. I don't think the whole - I'll stay up as late as possible and make myself as exhasted as possible so I'll fall asleep will work forever.


About a week later, it's still a little weird - I can't tell whether living at the SLC for three days was a help or hinderance to feeling at home in our new place. I still, however, picture Kim at home at our house cleaning the kitchen or in my room planning Steubenville stuff. Sad day . . . and yet I think I can find peace with it, at least with the help of my friends and Daisy Girls:)

On much less sappy note, we are having a housewarming party tomorrow at the duplex - dubbed L&M's (Lisa and Marianna's) and you all should come!!

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