Saturday, July 31, 2004

The Simple Things in Life

I have just returned from spending a week with my grandparents in Colorado (a lovely state I might add). We had many fun talks about boys and the good old days and we even got to see some extended family members (one of which I don't even remember knowing:).

The best part of our trip, however, was the afternoon we spent playing with our "As Seen on TV" toys from the Walgreens. My grandmother bought the "eggstractor" which looks like a round accordian on stilts. To try it out, we hard boiled some eggs (my grandfather thought it would be a mess if we tried to peel them raw:). Then, all seven of us (my two grandparents, my great-uncle and my immediate family) all crowded around the dining room table to watch the charade.

After a few tries, the egg finally poop, oops, popped out of the shell and landed on the plate awaiting it on the table. To our chagrin, it smelled like it had pooped - much sulfur smell going on. We found this very funny and all had a great laugh.

I'm not sure if this is connoted well onto the written web-log, but I thought I'd share a little of my laughter with you.

Sunday, July 25, 2004


I just have to say that English teachers can still make mistakes:)

Sunday, July 18, 2004

The Thrill of Karioke

When I was a little girl, I would spend hours in my room listening to tapes and singing at the top of my lungs.  I would pretend that the area in front of my bed was a stage, in front of which millions of adoring fans were awaiting a touching performance from who else, ME! 
I believe that this is where the idea of karioke begins.  It addresses that need, deep inside, to be the STAR. 
(Side Note (LMM if you will, I'll blog about this one later) When I used to go to daycare before preschool, I would always wear sunglasses.  All the ladies called me the movie star:).
Even today, I think that it would be a rush (although a scary one) to get up and sing in front of a large number of people and sing a special someone a song.  As of now, however, there is no special someone.  So, I will have to make do singing karioke at the bar my friends are "regulars" at.  And although my singing is not beautiful, gosh darnit, it is fun to get up there and sing!!

Sunday, July 11, 2004

about the trip where it rained . . . everywhere!

I am realizing that I have blogged much about my thoughts of my roadtrip, but not much about the roadtrip itself. And, seeing as you may want to know, I will tell you. (If you do not want to, I do not mind at all if you exit this window and come back to read my next post).

Let's see - our roadtrip was full of rain. I believe that it rained everyday. We also got lost. Very lost. We kept telling ourselves of a wise priest's words - Nothing in God's creation is bigger than he his and even more exciting: This great big God created all of creation just for us! This came to be very comforting as we were lost in the backwoods of Indiana surrounded by many fireflies (it was very pretty) and even more so when we were lost in downtown St. Louis (a bit more scary).

Between being lost, we had a wonderful trip (for the top ten list check out kristi's website, link on previous post). We headed north from Wichita to travel to a destination found in a well beloved book. It seems that many of my destinations have come from books. (This is what comes of being an English Teacher). This book is Pierced by a Sword by Bud MacFarland Jr. It is a must read for any Catholic, and a great read for those who are not. We saw many of the destinations mentioned in this great, if not so classic book that took place mainly on the Notre Dame campus in South Bend, IN. One of my favorite parts of the whole trip was praying a rosary at the grotto on the campus of Notre Dame. During the middle of the rosary it started to rain and we finished the rosary inside the grotto. This was extremely neat because there were so many candles lit inside the grotto that it was warm inside!

On Sunday, the 4th of July (my favorite secular holiday) we drove to St. Louis, followed by our new friend Chris, got a leak in our tire, switched our rental car, got lost in St. Louis, decided to stay at Harrah's Casino to make up for being lost, got turned away, and stayed in a hotel down the road.

The day would not have been complete without some fireworks. So, seeing some from our hotel, Chris and I wandered across the street and stood in the median watching the fireworks through the trees. Not the most magnificent show I've ever seen (any A-town people reading this!!) but it was fun and with good company.

Monday we woke to rain (suprise, suprise) and headed back to the real world. We did however, make a few fun stops - one at a winery in Bland, Missouri (very good wine suprisingly) and another at a Marian shrine in Laurie, Missouri. The statue of Mary there is modeled after JPII's mother and is really neat.

Ok, I will stop posting now, as I am sure you are done reading. Really, our road trip did not entail a whole lot except spending time with friends and getting out there doing something. But, these activities in and of themselves can bring a lifetime of warm fuzzies, just think about adding them to the fun of the road!!

Thursday, July 08, 2004


So, reading back at my last blogging post, I realize that I may have been a bit delirious from our road trip. My arms were still tingly from driving and apparently my brain was not functioning so well. Ah, well our road trip was delightful. Just like my friend Kristi's blog,

About the things that you should do. But don't. We were conversing about this the other day and I got to thinking. How do we know what we are supposed to do (what God is telling us to do) and those things that just pop into our head. What if they are one and the same? And what if we miss out on those things that God wants us to do? (Can we miss out on them?) - quoteth Kristi as she reads my blog aloud in monotone boring voice...

I read somewhere that if we are trying to do God's will but we don't know what he wants us to do that we should do what we want and trust God that it will all be good. Is this how it works, I wonder?

Monday, July 05, 2004

A Call: Standing Inside the Fire

My friend Kristi and I have just returned from a weekend of craziness in which we have taken a road trip. We decided that we wanted to go on a road trip on Tuesday. It would be fun, we said. But, how often do we do the things that we say will be fun? It has happened to me on many occasions.

I believe that sometimes fear or practicality can get in the way of something God may be calling us to do. What if he is calling us to go to South Bend, Indiana and meet fun and exciting people on the way?

So, as the Garth Brooks song says, "life is not tried, it is mearly survived if you are standing outside the fire." who wants to just survive? I want to live!!