Friday, February 09, 2007

I really need to post!

I really need to post. I really need to post. Hi-Ho The Dairio, I really need to post!

One of my students was taking a test after school today and I burst into random songage about not wanting to do any of my work.

See, I miss the fact that I don't miss blogging. I don't know if it had to do with being around Keeks 24/7 . . . or just the fact that my living arrangments have been a bit different this year. Hmmmm. . .

I have had ideas, interesting ones actually; about listening to people cheer (especially at bowling meets - it makes me laugh but is also highly enjoyable). And there were other ideas too. I just don't know where they went.

But I try not to spend too much time at home. And when I'm here I want to chill out. Or my computer is being dumb - there's got to be some reason why if I download Service Pack 2 from Windows that my modem stops working . . . I just haven't figured out what it was.

Here's a little bit of LMM to tide you over, or at least make my page more interesting. Or at least fresh . . .


Anonymous said...

i love lisa

KU Mommy said...

Alleluia! She FINALLY updated. You were gettin dangerously close to not being linked from my blog... this place has been inactive since Thanksgiving. But I still love you!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my really are alive! welcome back.