Saturday, March 22, 2008

On Spring Break during Holy Week

I don't think that Catholic Schools should be allowed to have Spring Break during Holy Week. Instead of being all pious and stuff, I have been eating meat and potatoes like a mad woman! That, and lemon cake and stuffed croissants and burgers and hashbrown casserole and much yummy food with much loving people . . . and nut - no not much "celebrating" of the Triduum.

I guess it's much like the roller coaster of life. This whole year (and I speak of years in school years) has felt off. What with Angels, and Kimmy gone, semester scheduling and living in a new place by myself for the first time in a few years, this year has just been different.

Don't get me wrong, it's been good. I've enjoyed getting into my duplex in the beautiful Riverside - especially the getting to take walks by the river part! I've enjoyed getting to play with the many babies that seem to be making their appearance by the armful. I don't, however, feel as though I've "gotten" it, whatever it may be.

I'm accomplishing a lot; I have started my book - one of those things I wanted to do someday. I live in a place that I love. I have become a godmother to two of the cutest babies in the world (If you think you see one at Borders you probably do - they're smart kiddos!). I got to go camping in the mountains of Canada and eat fruit fresh from Pike's Market in Seattle. I feel like I'm coming into my own - whatever that may mean. I also, however, feel like I'm draggin behind in some areas. I'm not sure what they are, I just feel that they are lagging somehow.

I think it comes from that feeling that something is just around the bend. I don't know what that something will be, just that it is taking it's time at the coming.

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